Jumat, 03 Oktober 2008


it's my first posting in this blog n i feel it's a lil bit weird?

in fact, i don't even know why i make this blog for sure..haha...

uum..but let's see..here, i will share abt my life, my problems or even my little 'secret'..

may be by making this blog, i'll start on something new..LOL

3 komentar:

Joe Kevin Joviand (杨海生) mengatakan...

weird??no.its not.
this is your first time??
great..all of your idea can be posted here..but i think its better that in the mandarin version u can put the english meanings and also the pin yin..i'm sure your blog will get better n better.


Odelia 瑋挺 mengatakan...

yup,this is my 1st time..so actually i feel a lil bit weird..haha
yeah,u're right..it's a good idea.maybe next time i'll put the english meanings n its pinyin..haha..
n.thanks for ur comment..haha

Joe Kevin Joviand (杨海生) mengatakan...

sooo..keep it up..dud..haha..