Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008


我好想好想飛 逃離這個瘋狂的世界
那麼多苦那麼多累 那麼多莫名的淚水

在这个宇宙 我是独一无二
不管怎样 怎样都会受伤
伤了又怎样 至少我很坚强

是你 愛你讓我變得更強 為你戰鬥永不投降
讓我照顧你 我要讓雨停出太陽
你就像天使一樣 給我依賴 給我力量

讓我要握住 一个最美的梦


3 komentar:

Joe Kevin Joviand (杨海生) mengatakan...

can you please give me the main thing in this text(or whatever you said so)...hahaha..i'm sorry..i'm not to good n mandarin..believe me..hehe..


Odelia 瑋挺 mengatakan...

well..it’s telling about a person who lives in this universe.she really wants to flee away from this world,the world that full of insanity and full of tears.but there comes a man who has made her become stronger. Make her believe the existence of love, the power of love.let her never let go the courage of love. let her have no doubt about the sincere love. Let her never escape her dream..

Joe Kevin Joviand (杨海生) mengatakan...

wonderful..what else can i say??haha.. do you think that this world is full of tears and insanity??
So..do you think that you want to flee away from this world?? I don't think you'll do that..hehe..dui ma??