Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008

All About 'me'?

Everything happens for "A reason"
Life is too short
Live for the moments you can’t put into words
Laugh when you can
Apologize when you should
and let go of what you can't change
Love truly and deeply

forgive quickly
Take chances,
give everything,
have NO regrets
Life is too short to be *ANYTHING *
it’s beTter to be HATED for what you are than..
to be LOVED for what you are NOT
Smile when you're sad
Love what you got
and always remember what you had
Always forgive but never forget.
Learn from your mistakes
but never regret
People change and things go wrong
but always remember

1 komentar:

Joe Kevin Joviand (杨海生) mengatakan...

smile when you're sad huh??haha..how come..only u who can do that..